Here are the dates, deadlines, & all you need to know about registration for kids camp & youth camp. Please make sure you read all the instructions so you don't miss out on discounts!

Because of the generosity of this church, we are able to provide discounts for every child going to camp!

Every registrant starts with $50 off the full price, with additional percentages off depending on how many kids your family is sending to camp this year. Starting price for the first child you send to camp is $205, with the second child registered costing only $144 (30% off) & the third child costing $102 (50% off)

Make sure you register by the deadline & follow these instructions carefully in order to pay the discounted price:

Register using the group hold code: MAYCLF

For Kids Camp registration, make sure you select "Spencer Lake" as the camp you are registering for.

How to register if you're only sending one child to camp:
If you're only sending one child to camp this year, you may register & pay the full amount immediately! Your $50 discount should already be applied--the total cost will be $205.
How to register if you're sending multiple children to camp:
Register using the link below & pay ONLY the $40 registration fee. Once the registration deadline for each camp has passed, we will reach out via email to let you know that your discount(s) have been applied!

Keep in mind that you will only have about a week after each registration deadline to pay the remainder for that week's camper(s)--exact details will be outlined in your email!

If you have any questions about registration, feel free to reach out!

For youth camp registration, contact Pastor Ben:
For kids camp registration, contact Pastor Natalie: